Thursday, October 19, 2006


"Sir, I exist!" declared Man.
"But," replied the Universe,
"That doesn't instill in me
a sense of obligation."


Anonymous said...

I like that quote.
Is it just human to hate the feeling of obligation. I mean, i personally tend to do things that people don't tell me to do, and when they ask me to do it, i turn and walk the other way. Sounds like i'm a bitch doesn't it. No, it's not so much like that.
For instance, i tend to read and study things i don't need for the exams, but when it comes to lecture slides, i simply force myself to learn it under obligation.

Okay, i don't think i made much sense just then, but anywho..

ShouFarn said...

Haha, whereas i took it to mean that the universe isn't really obligated to ensue our own survival, nor should it be in any grand scheme of things that we exist. That is, this poem argues against an Anthropocentric worldview.

Which i agree with.