Sunday, October 29, 2006

Friends in tonnage

Have you ever considered the phrase "i have tons of friends" literally?

I was chatting with a friend online, and she has this misconception about me seldom talking to girls. I was going to retort "haha, well you are wrong. I have tons of female friends." But i didn't, because that would seem like a weird brag, and it would also make me seem like a masochistic pig. Which wasn't the intended context. But that aside, it got me thinking.

Your average friend should be about 50-60 kilos. Lets say 55kg, if you have mainly asian friends. A ton is 1000 kilos. So, in order to be able to brag that you know "a ton of friends", all you need to do is get 18 friends, give or take 2 (or three, if you have really diverse friends. in terms of weight.) Of course, males on an average are heavier, so you would need only 16 or so, and for girls, you'd need to know 20 or so.

Therefore, I have a ton of female friends. More or less. And i also have about 1.5 tons of male friends. :D

So yeah. I have tons of friends. About 2.5 tons or so.

(this number is actually inaccurate. I have tons more ;) I am just too lazy to sit down and start counting all the friends i know and meet on a regular basis.)


changyang1230 said...

Hahahah!! Interesting thought... :) Never thought of the literal meaning of "tons of friends" before.

Anonymous said...

lol, I like that too.