Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Delight of the day

It has once been said, that "If you can't find something that makes you happy at least once a day, then that day was not worth living". And what makes me happy the most? I love new things, i love fresh new things, things that makes me think thoughts that i seldom think, and veers me to imaginations with a different tract. Things that are a bit different to what i normally experience as a day to day life often excites me.

So i have decided to sometimes post up my delight of the day. My delight of the day for yesterday was quite simple. I had a chicken sandwich with alfalfa. I know horses eat alfalfa, but apparently, so does these westerners. And they put it in sandwiches, and they put these sandwiches in plastic containers, then they put these containers on shelves. Then i come along, wondering what to eat, and buy them.

And it tastes refreshing. I never thought grass could taste so nice with chicken. Mind you, i am not saying its mind blowingly fantastic. But i could definately live with this for 3 days in a row. And that set me off to weird tangents for food.

So i was thinking, what if i placed chicken with raw bean sprouts? What would make it good? French Dressing? How about alfalfa with a sprig of mint? gonna experiment next week when i go to vic mart again.

So what is your delight of the day? Do you keep track of them?

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