Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Accomodation Woes

Johnathan will be moving out next year to live with his sister, and so now i need to move. I actually saw this coming as far as last year, but the implications of it all never hit me until he me. So that leaves me with two options: I could stay on in seasons and put out adverts for new people to come on in, or i could move out.

Alas, i have grown quite sick of Seasons. For all its vaunted superior location, it isn't really anything that great. Plus the layout of the apartments leaves much to be desired, what with only one side of the unit facing the external, and that one side faces swanston. Dust galore. And the window is so tiny that proper ventilation in the room isn't an option. It is also opposite to a pub, and on warm nights there are people who get drunk and decide to dance/fight/yell/party in the middle of that oh-so-broad Swanston street, making lots of noise and waking me up. Sometimes i just wish a tram would come over and give them grievous bodily injury, or at the very least scare them till they crap their pants.

So the decision is to move. I have been eyeing several places, but none are definite. Still don't know what to do with my furniture. It will be difficult to move after settling down at a place for 2 years though. Sigh.

But, i am still open to other places. So to any of you who may be reading this and is interested in a housemate, or if you hear of anyone in the same predicament as me, please toss me a line. Any kind of help will be appreciated.

To make things more simple, heres a semi-vitae from me:

Name: Shou Farn, CHUNG
Nicknames: 炒饭 (means fried rice. a bit of background here)
surfing for random internet articles (dealing with a variety of academic/intellectual/net-culture),reading, drawing, chatting, writing
Courses: Biomedical Science
Usefulness: Will clean up when spurred, can cook passable meals

1 comment:

Mubby said...

Poor Shou Farn... good luck with house hunting! Being able to cook passable food is a very good quality to have, so i am sure your problem will be solved before long.

P.s: I owe u money... whee, I feel honest :P