Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Socially Acceptable Living Room

So now me and jon have a socially acceptable living room. By socially acceptable i mean we have an honest-to-gosh fully functioning TeeVii. Socially acceptable because Keegan and XXL, have always been buggering us about our curious TV-deficiency, which they claim will cause some inefficiency in the functioning unit of the house called a living room.

Actually i had been anticipating a TV since last year, and the proof of that is i got a TV stand second hand from some guy, on the year before last. See? i have vision. A 2 year vision, in fact. But the TV didn't materialise last year, and the poor stand has been forced into the humiliating role of shoerack and part-time mice hive. Not anymore. Now it is the proud supporter of our 51cm (thats 21' to you self-alienating weirdos) and a brand new DVD player. For the first time in a year and 3 months, i watched The Simpsons in my own apartment. Heh.

As for the rest of the living room itself, we have been redecorating. I guess the blame goes to joshua, who has been having so much fun decorating his new place that jon caught the heat, and i gotsnatched along for the ride. Jon went mad, and got an earthen bowl-dish thing complete with stand and filled it with potpourri. We also purchased a huge piece of cloth to cover up the sofa, as well as another piece of cloth to cover up the coffee table. So.. Tadaaa! Socially acceptable living room. As a personal touch i got a windchime, which fell down on the first day. Knew i shouldn't have used bluetacks. I hung it up with something sturdier, so now it is tinkering merrily in the breeze.

I finally got a new table. My old one was 4th hand, and was given to me free by cousins. It was scarily creaky, and when i put my com on it, the table sagged in the middle until it gives one the impression that its gonna fall down anytime soon. Scared the heck out of me as well. My new table is larger, thus a bit misfitted. BUT, i got it at the reject pile in IKEA, its only malfunction being ex-displayed. So what if it is a bit scratched? I SAVED 40 DOLLARS. Looks a bit awkward, but if you see it, and feel inclined to make a comment, then please STFU. I LOVE MY NEW BIG TABLE! THE SPACE! AHAHAHHAHAHA!

Not satisfied with merely a table, i got a plastic cabinet. Crude, loose, but spacey, it has since this afternoon fulfilled all my storage needs. For 35$, its not a bad deal. Now my shelf can be a shelf and fill books like a proper shelf does, and not be burdened down by camera, wires, a bowl, stationary, water bottle, thermos, batteries, olive oil, CDs, trash, etc. I could almost hear the sigh of profound relief.

So thats it. The end of this post. If you are around the neighbourhood, drop by, visit us, smell the potpourri, gag at the potpourri(WHAT DO PEOPLE SEE IN THESE THINGS???), watched some TV, look at the table. Before it deteriorates into utter inhospitability again.

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