Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Too fat to fuck


Lol i found this news over in a UK news site.

'They Were Pretty Big'
Updated: 13:19, Saturday February 18, 2006

A heavyweight couple caused a pub ceiling to collapse by frolicking together in a shower.

The pair checked in to the The Black Horse Inn in Taunton, Somerset, and spent an afternoon drinking in the bar.

They then went upstairs and got in to the shower together.

Their amorous behaviour caused some damage and water started to pour down into the bar below.

The couple left early the next morning, but not long afterwards the ceiling collapsed, leaving landlord Steve Ball with a £5,000 repair bill.

Mr Ball said: "They went upstairs at around 8pm and it wasn't long before we could hear them in the shower.

"They were pretty loud and all the regulars found it pretty funny at first.

"But then a torrent of water started pouring from the shower and into the bar.

"The couple were pretty big, they must have had a combined weight of 35 stone.

"They must have dislodged a pipe while they were in the shower causing the water to flood down."

All to which someone commented:"I understand fatties need lovin' too, and I'm thrilled they're sticking to each other rather than finding some skinnies to smother, but damn, when you're so fat your sex literally causes a floor to fail, you're too fat to fuck. Officially too fat to fuck. And that, my friends, is fucking sickening."

NOTE: i am pretty heavy myself, but this takes the cake. The thing i found hilarious was how the patrons were laughing at the noise, then changed their tune when the water started to flow down, LOL.

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