Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ikea leggo furniture national set

I think Ikea should have this national lego furniture set, seeing as it comes from Denmark and all. Plastic cushions, blocky sofas, beanbag filled with legos(oww) or for more comfort, filled with those legoman heads. And the best thing of all, it would fit the modus operandi of Ikea perfectly, its all self assembly! Instruction manual included lah, of course. You assemble everything yourselves, including planks. And sometimes you might even need to assemble the nails themselves. All they need to do is to sell you this big bag of plastic and this sheet of paper. This is a dream come true for those DIY nuts. Or, if you would prefer, the kids can do it all for you, though we mustn't be startled when they turn your sofa and coffee table set into a 4 seated spaceship with blinking lights.

This is such a good idea i am going to write to Ikea tonight, even!

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