Monday, October 30, 2006

An example of bemusing weather

At 5.45am yesterday, it hailed. Pebbles of frozen water fell straight from the skies and smacked themselves silly unto sidewalks, trees, cars, the buildings and their glass windows.

I sleep with my head right next to the window (i can't stand stuffiness), so i was awakened rudely by what seems to be machine gun fire from outside the building. The fact that it was merely ice hitting the windows didn't register, until my face was hit by a stray piece of ice.

Yesterday was October the 28th, the day before daylight savings starts. Spring is at its zenith, with summer to follow not in another two months, so it was pretty bright. It was so bright, at 5:44am, in fact, that i was wildly confused when i woke up. I thought i had awaken from an afternoon nap, but somehow that notion seemed wrong. It took me 2 more minutes to realize that it was in fact morning, and that Australian 5:45ams are just that obscenely bright during spring, by which time i was halfway worrying both about dinner and how nothing seems to be making sense.

The only thing left to be done was to close all the windows and roll down the blinds to get more sleep. Not before flipping the bird at the sky for the absurdity of it all.

Which is what any sane person would do, really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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