Monday, July 03, 2006

Holiday project

Barely two days after my holidays post, inspiration struck! I have a project: to make my own blogskin!

And i need your help. I have already searched the net for some beginners guides, but i would still like to know what you guys did for yours, and you websites, if you have any, that you found useful.

Are there any recommended blogskin programs?

I guess i am just tired of the same cookie-cutter schemes that everyone is using. I chose this one originally because i liked the theme "scribe", and i sort of like words, and the papyrus-like setting was sort of cool. Getting sick of it though.

Any advice for nooby lil old me? Any would be appreciated.


Steph LT said...

You fail to specify whether you know HTML or don't know. =x I am mostly a manual notepad labourer that uses CSS, and the way I picked up my shoddy HTML is to dissect websites I visit. Simple html stuff can be found at (if it's still there). Blogger tags are simple if you know HTML.

No idea about skinning programs. =x Sorry and good luck! =D

ShouFarn said...

Wow, this is definately a nudge towards the right direction. And Htmlgoodies,com is still alive.

Just noticed how noob i am when i see the information cascading down unto poor quivering me.

Getting to work now =D