Saturday, July 01, 2006

Holiday Post

How do you spend your holidays? Lazing around home and abusing the play station? Lazing around home and abusing the bed? Or a combination of both? or are you the active kind of social person who has such a lot of friends that there are activities everyday? Or maybe are you those who vow to do something productive every single time the holiday starts?

I used to be like the last one. Every single time, since i could remember, i would vow on day one to do great things during holidays. I have since forgot what i have sworn to do. It ran along the lines of planting something (mostly melons, cuz i succeeded in growing a honey melon once :D) in the backyard, or making handicrafts (my parents bought handicraft books in the hopes of us growing up adroit. So much for that lol). In sillier occasions, i just swore to do something without anything in mind, because swearing to do something makes the holidays seem like a great adventure waiting to happen, and because i used to get such a headrush thinking about doing productive things. The key word here is "thinking".

Inevitably though, as the routine of holidays settled in, those noble goals of productivity gets pushed into tomorrow day after day. It would be wake up, laze, brekkie, play some games, read books, eat, exercise a bit, then evening would approach, and i would make a vow to start something the next day. It would go on until the next day is the day school reopens. I was such a silly kid back then.

As i grew up into secondary school, i still had such sentiments (perhaps a relic of primary childhood days). This time however, the goal is to write stories, draw comics, become a better artist. Writing stories never happened because i refused to hold a pen during holidays back then, drawing comics never materialised because i completed a single, very juvenile stand-alone comic and got laughed at by a whole class. Not my own class mind you, but for some reason the class next door got hold of it. Go figure. I still sketch from time to time, but drawing comics...

Then i got the PS2. Suddenly my goals seem much more realistic. Goals means i would finish a certain amount of games in a set vacation. This new combination worked wonders for me, unfortunately, it also worked into tempers for my mom, who didn't appreciate her son staring at the TV while periodically moving the fingers for 5 hours at a stretch. So i nearly finished my holiday aspirations for the very first time, if not for maternal intervention. Sigh.

Now that i have gone to aussie and back, my holidays doesn't have much goals. The only goal is to absorb as much of the family atmosphere as possible. That, and to thoroughly enjoy the bigger kitchen, the bigger bathrooms, not having to worry about what to get for dinner, not having to cook, not having to wash up (HAH), not having to worry about laundry (HAH), not having to worry about doing anything.

And the weird thing is, without any goals, i actually accomplished more. Taught myself to play a few songs on the piano, made some chocolate brownies today. And theres two more weeks.


changyang1230 said...

You certainly have great holiday ambitions... When holidays come around, I always vow to do something useful too, but to no avail most of the time.

By the way, are you at home for winter holidays now?

ShouFarn said...

Key word being ambition haha. Back for a month or so. Its great to see the family and cousins again.

Steph LT said...

Hahahha,my take on the same issue just a few days before you wrote yours. And you never know what you take for granted until it's gone. =D Glad you are enjoying!

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