Saturday, May 13, 2006

Western Home Remedies, HAH

Due to a combination of post-workshop clubbing, winter chills, flu season, and sweet chilli potato chips in a series ot 3 days, i fell sick a month away from the exams. Sorethroats and coughing are an unholy pair indeed. Thankfully it was less a case of sorethroat and more of coughing. Whatever it is, the direct consequence has been that i lost a LOT of sleep, and thus a lot of concentration times when i could have squeezed in substantial studying. Thats right, blame nature, not me (mehehehe).

Its been about a week now, and this afternoon the malady finally shows signs of abating. The first two nights were okay, got up a bit later, and rendered me a bit lethargic as well. Thats to be expected. By the third night i was coughing sporadically, but it still wasn't enough to cause me serious problems. By the forth night i think i was waking up my housemate and neighbours and nearby birds and the occasional spirit with my hacking cries of involuntary air expellations.

Fed up with just waiting for nature to run its course, i hooked myself up to the net and went searching for "home remedies". Lets take a look, shall we?

Throw some shredded or sliced ginger into boiling water, along with a clove of garlic. Add a tablespoon of lemon into it, as well as honey.

Now, any chinese worth his/her salt will immediately go "OMFG SF you MORON, GINGER??!!!"
And apparently, i AM a moron, or at least banananised to such an extent. Ginger=single most heaty thing you can find in a normal kitchen. Ginger=sorethroat. Ginger=trouble. Ginger=hot. And i drank 2 huge mugfuls of the stuff right before going to bed. Predictably, the troubles began. When i was standing up and walking around, it was still okay. When i lied down though, or at least got into any sort of position of comfort, my throat started to itch like ten thousand fleas at the rumba. Stand up, dispelled. Relax, itch. Would have been okay, if not for the fact that i got not freaking sleep whatsoever. None. WTF.

So, to my chinese brothers and sisters out there, Screw the M*****F***ing CB AngMoh Home Remedies!!!!!!

Don't be like me, ok?


Steph LT said...

Ginger+honey works wonders for flu and colds, but not for sorethroats. What you need for that is lime+honey. Or if you find pei pa gao then that. xD

Then again, coughs are sometimes cured by ginger. 'cold coughs' or 'hot coughs'? Generally I just take honey and lime because I despise ginger. =/

Anonymous said...