Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sleeping pills

I finally went to see the doctor on monday. And i tell you, clinic air is the worst. The moment i went through the entire procedure and sat down to wait, the tonsil starts tingling. And it started to ache. wtf.

I got in and proceeded to rasp the symptoms to the doctor. He jotted a few notes, typed in a few things, i saw the highlighted words "acute laryngitis", printed something out, signed it, and said:" there you go". Thats it. I waited 45 minutes for a 5 minute encounter. Zippy.

The printed material turned out to be a presciption, and i had to go down to the pharmacists to get it. Sien man. I didn't know that this isn't like Malaysiam clinics, where they have all the drugs and a few aunties packing them on the spot. Telling a sick man to commute all the way to the city to get drugs ah? later he spread the disease how? or actually them medical practitioners prefer it that way. hmmmm.

For some reason he didn't prescribe me anything for coughs and throat illneses. What he DID prescribe though, was a godsend. SLEEPING PILLS! wow. I always hear about these things, and how movie starts used them, and how people use it to kill themselves. Never thought i would get to use it one day.

I used one that night. And it is damned scary. I took one, then went to bed, coughing all the way, struggling to sleep at about 9pm. The next thing i knew, i woke up. Bam. One minute the housemate is doing work outside with lights on, the next moment i woke up in darkness, my pillow on one side and the bolster on the floor. And it was COLD. What a way to wake up. But it felt gooood. For the first time in 4 days i was able to roll around in bed without ever coughing.

Slept again till 8. Definately in much better condition than 12 hours ago.

Sleep cures all.


Way Siong said...

hey, do be careful of the sleeping pills, you may develop tolerance and also dependance if you over rely on it.

It has been a big problem that medical practitioners did not spend enough time with their patients. They should start to spend more time getting better clinical histories.


ShouFarn said...

Haha ok. duly noted.

Actually i have already decided not to use the pills tonight.

Way Siong said...

that's good to hear.. :) may you get well soon.