Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Lost voice

"We sometimes never appreaciate what we have, until we lose it." Until recently, i applied this adage to a lot of things but never my voice. I always thought my voice a slightly husky, unservisable thing. I can't sing with it, it doesn't attract attention. Until the day before yesterday, that is. A viral got to my vocal chords and rendered me mute.

So the past 2 days have been something alone the veins of someone talking to me, i turn to them, open my mouth, ready to speak, and nothing came out! they look at me like i am tricking them. I try harder, then out comes the rasp "eeelooo. I looost my(this one is silent) -oice..!" Imagine a cookie monster tone.

I went to the market today and tried to buy something. A vietnamese woman was standing at the stall. I pointed at a piece of meat, and help up two fingers, indicating that i want 2 pieces. The woman went about the route of most profit and took it to mean i wanted 2 kilos. I shook my head and shook my hands at her vigorously. I gestured and tried miming 2 pieces, pointing at this piece and that piece, and she just stood there and stared at me. I tried lip synching it, but apparently my lip syncing has an accent, either that or her eyes are degenerate. Finally, frustrated, i resorted to The Voice. Out came the cow-groan :"I(silent) want t-two pieces..!!" She stared at me blankly. "TrrTWO PIECES!" "oh two pieces sir. yes sir".


So boys and girls, treasure your voice. Heck, treasure everything you have. There might be one day when you will lose it. Never take these things for granted.

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