Saturday, April 28, 2007

Arachnia on Acid

Now, for the record, i have tremendous respect for wildlife. I really love nature, and i appreciate that animals and other living things should be given their their dignity. But, the person who first came up with idea of drugging spiders and letting them build webs is a friggin genius, man.

Check this out:

There is also this website with pictures, though it is rather lacking in commentary.

Moral of the story: Just say No to drugs, kids!


changyang1230 said...


gneake said...

freakin' funny man. especially the last few scenes where the crack spider sticks a paper gun to the other spider... pure gold.

also what have you been up to?

ShouFarn said...

@ YoungYew:
my reactions exactly. I wonder what other animals we can drug. Possums maybe? we have a steady supply of them here in melb.

@ Gneake:
eh, projects are starting to be due left and right. But the good thing is that CTG is coming to a conclusion, the show is starting soon. So i'll get some free time finally. Thank goodness for that.