Monday, February 05, 2007

Late Night Visitor

I was chatting with my parents last night on skype, when i happened to glance over to the window. Somehow, i noticed there was an extra brown stick there. The brown stick had eyes. Freaking out just a tiny bit, it took me 2 seconds to realize what it really was.

"A stick insect!" I thought gleefully. And its thankful that i didn't think it out aloud, for my parents just asked me what i have been doing these past few nights. Ahem.

So i told them i'll be right back, grabbed a camera, and approached the critter. And then i noticed something extra about the stick insect. It had wicked claws and it sways in the wind. So it isn't just a stick insect. Its either a rabid killer sharp clawed swaying stick insect, or its actually a praying mantis. Which is better than a stick insect because the latter insect rips the heads off other insects for a living.

Some photos here:


changyang1230 said...

Interesting photos... :)

Steph LT said...

omg AWESOME!!! It's so cute T_T

My first week in UK, I saw a mosquito only about 20x magnified and slightly browner.

PS: Your macro lens is quite good o.o'''